Housing rights tribunal bogged down by inefficiencies
Activists say landlord complaints prioritized over tenants
Activists say landlord complaints prioritized over tenants
“University funding should be reassesed”
Project manager cites “unforeseen site conditions”, promises that construction will halt during finals
The Charbonneau Commission continued to send shockwaves through the Quebec political landscape as former city of Montreal engineer Gilles Surprenant testified yesterday that he had… Read More »Ex-engineer testifies at corruption probe
Professors discuss link between xenophobia and the economy
Concerns include lack of advertising space and state of equipment
Critics accuse government of glorifying war and distorting details
A resolution to create an Equity Policy for the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) was passed last Wednesday at the AUS Legislative Council meeting. The resolution was… Read More »AUS to create equity policy
Principal’s Task Force and five-year strategic academic plan also covered
University redaction practices questioned
Councillors divided over online ratification
Tuition and underfunding major concerns
Foundational course and minor program in the works for next year
Professor cleared of misconduct despite corporate funding and controversial methods
David Suzuki and Jeff Rubin discuss economics and the environment