Quebec government suspends tuition negotiations
Thousands march in Montreal after stalemate with student federations
Thousands march in Montreal after stalemate with student federations
Legislative body calls for Charest’s resignation
“Casserole” protest and mass arrests at night demo close hundredth day of student strike
Passage of Bill 78 and municipal “anti-mask” bylaw could mean end of student strike
Bioengineering department also approved
Student journalists from The Daily and Concordia’s Link held
Largest night-time demo in weeks
Anger expressed toward latest government offer
Most passengers charged with unlawful assembly and riot
Thousands throng the streets to reject latest government offer
Tuition hikes to be offset by reduction in ancillary fees
Protest outside Liberal Party general council clashes with Sûreté du Québec
Police downplays risks despite past deaths and industry spin
Record-turnout for annual May Day action
Thousands crowd Montreal streets for fourth consecutive night