McGill students host third annual TEDxMcGill event
Fifteen speakers discuss ‘ideas worth spreading’
Fifteen speakers discuss ‘ideas worth spreading’
Students walk out of Senate in protest of the Provost
Community regroups in front of James Administration after November 10
Discussion centres on how to improve campus discourse
Nearly 25 per cent of student body votes in referendum
McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum
Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) President Roland Nassim
SSMU President Maggie Knight
The Daily speaks with Ariel Prado about the November 10 McGill demonstration
Sit-in outside of building lasts five hours before moving to SSMU cafeteria
Demonstrators subjected to tear gas and pepper spray
Second wave of occupiers reach second floor; all released without charges or punishments
Canadian neuroscientist honoured with Greengard Prize for achievements of women in science
SSMU Legislative Council voted last week to sign the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between SSMU and McGill after hours of confidential debate. Council voted to… Read More »MoA vote ends negotiations over McGill name
Unions conflicted over provincial construction bill