Carlos Fuentes: fighting drug cartels will not solve problems
Nobel Prize nominee speaks to McGill about law and literature
Nobel Prize nominee speaks to McGill about law and literature
Election campaigning begins with action-packed first week
Adrian Lomaga says Quebec blood bank’s deferral policy regarding homosexuals is discriminatory
Students allege that campaign violations were ignored, campus media was vandalized
A local health advocacy group is stepping up its campaign for a safe injection site in Montreal. On March 21, members and allies of the… Read More »Montreal campaigns for safe injection sites
Groupe MAMAN staged a symbolic birthing strike March 25 at UQAM, demanding better working conditions for midwives in Quebec. Groupe MAMAN (Mouvement pour l’Autonomie dans… Read More »Quebec midwives demand more facilities
PGSS elections closed this Friday, and resulted in the appointment of a seasoned executive committee and the approval of all referendum questions. The strength of… Read More »New PGSS executives elected
Israeli blockade and fears of weapons trafficking hindering relief efforts
Thousands march for accessible education in ASSÉ led demo; police confirm five arrests, investigate two injuries
Research employees struggling to contact members, begin negotiations
Montreal Auditor General Jacques Bergeron has decided to sue the municipal employees responsible for hacking into his confidential emails
Inuit community will vote to end long struggle for self-governance
McGill grad students also taking student federation to court
Police investigating possible injuries; FECQ occupy Minister’s premises in Lac-St-Jean
UQAM Professor describes joining UC Berkeley tuition hike protest