The long road to solidarity
The Daily Talks to Plateau MNA Amir Khadir of Québec Solidaire
The Daily Talks to Plateau MNA Amir Khadir of Québec Solidaire
Council passes a motion after hair’s breadth vote
Taxes and rent expected to follow suit
International student tuition set to jump 50 per cent
Laws violated “security of the person,“ Conservative government plans to appeal
AUS, EUS, SSMU, Midnight Kitchen all taking action in response to Arch Café closure
Competing charges of violence fuel tensions between groups
New StatsCan report shows anglophones have lower median incomes than francophones
$18,000 taken from student faculty association’s RBC account
Renowned environmental activist delivers “legacy lecture”
The once monolithic Quebec student movement has split over yet another million-dollar question this fall, pulling McGill graduates and undergraduates in different political directions
Key witness supports accusations of influence peddling in the courts
Conservative McGill led opt-out campaign renewed a day later
Research explores connection between higher tuition and accessibility
Students across Canada paying more this school year