McGill stuck on deferred maintenance treadmill
Part three of a four-part series: admin using outside investments to pay for new property
Part three of a four-part series: admin using outside investments to pay for new property
Students upset over lack of consultation
Part two of a four-part series: student aid still inaccessible
Principal clashes with National Assembly over University operations
Seven weeks after banning the construction of new billboards in the borough of Plateau-Mont-Royal, the neighbourhood’s council voted to pull down all 45 remaining billboards.… Read More »Plateau bans billboards
Refashioned program in works in consultation with students
Sustainability project funds put to use
Principal Heather Munroe-Blum gave a presentation earlier today to the National Assembly’s Commission de la culture et de l’education, presenting the case for increased provincial… Read More »Monroe-Blum makes case for increased tuition in Quebec City
SSMU and PGSS release joint statement with Concordia groups condemning government’s decision
Part one of a four-part series: deficit to be eliminated by end of fiscal year
Third hotel in seven years costs McGill over 10 million dollars
Administration stresses pedestrian safety
Abandoned Tribal theme leads to questions of Frosh reform
Tuition hikes and provincial recognition dominate second annual general meeting
Scandal plagued security firm owes McGill agents five weeks of pay