What We Know about Fall 2021
McGill administration expects students to return to campus despite the unpredictability of public health directives
McGill administration expects students to return to campus despite the unpredictability of public health directives
The Daily’s Illustration Editor announces the Student Society of McGill University’s 2021-22 executive team.
Policy passed to the Board of Directors to be ratified
Union for Gender Empowerment expresses concern over report’s recommendations
Students may now be evicted for violating COVID-19 measures
“McGill continues to fail trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming students,” says student
Farrow’s views make students feel “unsafe and marginalized,” letter says
Inuit communities still lack access to high-speed internet
McGill Research Group on Health and Law panelists discuss data collection, surveillance, and distributive justice
Community organizations present on protection from predatory landlords
New restrictions put homeless people at risk, advocates say
Students discuss barriers to accessing McGill’s Office for Students with Disabilities
Students call for more transparency in the outcomes of sexual assault cases
McGill and Quebec Must Denounce Bill 21, MSA Says
EDRSC offers online services for those struggling with eating disorders