Emergency in Gaza
War doctor Mads Gilbert discusses the politics of health in the Occupied Territories
War doctor Mads Gilbert discusses the politics of health in the Occupied Territories
Supreme Court leaves Canadian’s fate in the hands of Harper government
Organization rebukes Conservative McGill for undercutting its finances
Provincial party reps debate postsecondary funding, taxes, and sovereignty
Concordia’s TA and RA union goes to arbitration
User fees for public services expected as province deals with financial squeeze
Federal recognition of First Nations could vanish in three generations
Suit alleges that chemical used by Canadian Forces base causes cancer
Suspended club sidesteps prohibitions on tabling
VP Finance and Operations
The SSMU executive has been mostly successful in their initiatives, and they have achieved significant administrative victories. However, many executives continue to bring up the… Read More »SSMU Reviews: The Executive
VP Internal
VP External Affairs
Thursday night Council sessions are like an excerpt from Jean-Paul Sartre’s No Exit: a bunch of people eating Tiki-Ming and talking at each other for… Read More »SSMU Reviews: Council
Click on a SSMU executive to view his or her 2009-10 midterm review: Ivan Neilson, President Sarah Olle, VP Clubs and Services Rebecca Dooley, VP… Read More »SSMU Midterms, 2009-10