PGSS council fills Thomson House
MBA tuition, TA wages among issues debated
MBA tuition, TA wages among issues debated
Students question University’s stance on contentious events
Principal defends controversial changes on campus
Provincial government plans to charge students for public education
McGill hospital being built as a public-private partnership
“Echoes of the Holocaust” called off following disruptions
Activists, academics, and diplomats weigh in on Canada’s response
Day two of the conference featured a lecture series and panel discussion focused on the roles and responses of international agencies to the ongoing food… Read More »International agencies and their technocrats
The University kicked off the conference on Monday by inviting several speakers from various countries to describe the impact of the financial crisis on their… Read More »The financial crisis and food security
On Wednesday, experts weighed in on the effects climate change could have on agriculture in the coming years. At the panel discussion, “Climate Change: the… Read More »Agriculture and climate change
Nobel Peace Prize winner emphasizes the importance of compassion
Last year the total number of malnourished increased by 40 million, while the number of people with insufficient food reached almost one billion. For three… Read More »Food (security) for thought
Three-year legal dispute over membership dues resolved this year
Improving access to markets for small land holders and local farmers is the most important factor in achieving global food security, according to experts speaking… Read More »Can market access ensure food security?
Locals accuse GSI of neglect and mismanagement of landfills