Uncover McGill promotes interfaith dialogue on campus
Students come together to discuss the question: “Who is God?”
Students come together to discuss the question: “Who is God?”
Students at McGill required to divulge diagnoses, despite York case
Activists hold Trudeau to his promise of National Energy Board reform
Collective condemns Trudeau’s lack of response to open letter
Immigration Quebec relaxes course load requirements
AUS Council to be included in the Work Study program
Procedures for conflicts of interest for thesis supervisors discussed
Not many opportunities to help in Milton-Parc neighbourhood
Research misconduct investigation regulations amended
Council debates for an hour over wording of membership fee clauses
Vigil raises awareness about animal cruelty
Elections SSMU fails service reviews
Reclaiming rights to use McGill name for clubs among priorities.
SSMU supports campaign despite paying employees below $15 per hour
Migrant justice group protests outside Trudeau’s Montreal office