Situation continues to worsen for migrant workers
Panel discusses experiences of domestic workers in Canada
Panel discusses experiences of domestic workers in Canada
AGSEM presents undergraduate unionization campaign to Council
U0 representation, fundraising proceeds discussed at Council meeting
AUS to discuss replacement process at next Legislative Council meeting
Player was serving ninety-day intermittent prison sentence for aggravated assault
Demonstrators call for immediate action, better policy
Book launch focuses on the radical change needed to end the climate crisis
A selection of events from this year’s installment
Construction on McTavish projected to end by late October
Funding approval, federal exemption still needed before sites can open
Champagne and Jack Daniels rooms in Arts Lounge to be renamed
Gender-neutral washrooms coming to Redpath Library
Bylaw changes, charter signature fail to pass at first Council meeting of the year
Workshop facilitators highlight barriers to accessible food in Montreal
Full shuttle buses leave Mac campus-bound students behind