Are emotions contagious?
The neuroscience behind empathy
The neuroscience behind empathy
Over the past few decades, technology’s importance in our lives has risen exponentially — but one of its greatest impacts, by far, is on the… Read More »The case for hackathons
Hackathons are events where people interested in software development come together to solve problems, start new projects, and learn or trade skills with each other.… Read More »A beginner’s guide to hackathons
HackMcGill aims to introduce students to new computer skills
Researchers find FXR1P protein affects memory recall
New podcast series aims to explain science discoveries in 1000 most used words
Why your brain needs nutrients
How science can (and should) shape the vote
Why transparency is important in security
The federal government’s influence on scientists
Which one should you choose?
Spinning the facts on scientific research
The quest to understand mental illness
An uphill battle for aspiring med students
Optogenetics and the future of mental health research