Summer science in the media
While most of us were getting some well-deserved rest this summer, the ever-expanding science world was doing anything but. Some recent scientific breakthroughs have been… Read More »Summer science in the media
While most of us were getting some well-deserved rest this summer, the ever-expanding science world was doing anything but. Some recent scientific breakthroughs have been… Read More »Summer science in the media
Where is creativity in the science curriculum?
A critical look at the role of social media in the polarization of campus politics
Control over communication, from James Admin to Egypt
Midnight Kitchen opts for physical form of communication
Languages, video games, and green chem
How a McGill student group gives old hardware a second life – and why you should care
The last SI unit to be defined in a way that can be universally replicated
The latest initiative in the OpenCourseWare movement offers certificates for class-completion
Bug burgers, manure foam, factory farming, and the future of meat
Dreaming up a new way to power cars
Exploring the natural world with numbers and stats
It’s hot, it’s here to stay—and it really is all our fault.
Online attacks can have devastating offline effects – and we aren’t prepared
Canada becomes the first country to withdraw from the Kyoto protocol