Milky Way may be full of meat
Scientists develop new techniques to detect life on planets orbiting distant stars
Scientists develop new techniques to detect life on planets orbiting distant stars
Discoveries in the drug realm are changing the world – and maybe extending your life. Pharmaceutical company Sirtris claims to have inadvertently discovered the fountain… Read More »Fountain of youth in sight
Turtles to shack up, and one day give birth to long extinct species
Regular orgasms can lengthen your life – or so it seems. Many studies, conducted from the seventies to present, indicate that an energetic sex life… Read More »An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away
Sex, it turns out, is a good pain killer. At Rutgers university, Dr. Barry Komisaruk tested the pain thresholds of women using a thumbsrew-like machine,… Read More »Sex tames pain
Calls for regulation of chemical BPA fall on deaf ears
Recently developed cancer-targeting nano-particles promise better cancer therapy, and a different experience at the doctor’s office. Administered to the body in doses of billions, each… Read More »New nano-tech tracks and kills cancer cells
And intelligent Design gets a little boost
Project brings Internet access to children in the developing world
Science explores the beginnings of courage and combativeness
Video games have a dark side – such is the refrain of critics, from politicians to parents, who denounce video games for causing addiction and… Read More »Videogames: play to learn
Roughly a million children die from drowning each year. The high mortality rate came as a surprise last year, when surveys in Asia were conducted… Read More »Developed world drownings exceed expectations
Ever wanted to be a superhero? Well here’s your chance to help save the world. World Community Grid is a not-for-profit organization that uses idle… Read More »Your idle computer can save the world
Plants have us beat. Every day, trillions of them convert sunlight into stored energy, because they, like us, still need energy when the sun doesn’t… Read More »New catalyst sheds light on solar energy
Subjects in the developing world face exploitation during clinical trials